How do you know where to focus your time and efforts? Want to know what your employees are really thinking? Vantage Point provides those answers by measuring alignment, cohesion, and engagement.

Proven Success
“We currently have seven departments taking fifteen unique actions designed to improve our organizational health.
I intend to utilize this innovative, affordable tool several times per year as we continue to guide and track improvements to our culture. This is one of those rare tools you might find a few times in your career which you put in your permanent leadership toolbox.”
-Plant Manager, 200 employees

Add Custom Questions
You can add up to 10 custom questions. We help you refine the questions to provide the best foundation for analysis. And once added, you can compare the results of these questions across time, just like with the 31 standard questions.

Slice and Dice Data
You can drill down into the data using the demographics that you have defined, to see what is happening with subsets of your workforce.
This screenshot is for Millennial non-English-speaking female associates on Shift 1 in Production. There are only 8 respondents in this category, out of 208 total respondents. The scores for English-speaking female associates on Shift 1 in Production were much higher, as were the scores for the males, and generations other than Millennials.

See Trends
You can see the trend across multiple surveys. This client has taken 2 surveys; the scores across the board for all employees went up, in spite of the stresses caused by COVID. However, specific demographics had mixed trends, with some lines going up and others going down as shown at the top of this page– the power of drillability.
Improve Organizational Health
Vantage Point measures 31 aspects of organizational health. You can see the best areas for you to focus on.
Decrease Turnover
A demographic that scores low is ripe for turnover. For example, see the Gender graph at the top of the page.
Increase Productivity
When employees are included in deciding where to focus, they become more engaged, leading to higher productivity and lower turnover.
Make A Difference
You can make a difference in the lives of your employees. See the trend lines at the top of the page – they increased in spite of COVID!
Vantage Point gives you the ability to drill deeply into the demographics that you have defined and to add 10 custom questions. The 31 standard questions were developed by Organization Development professionals and verified by 2 PhDs for validity and reliability.
For the first time, you can understand what your people are really thinking! See the difference in Shipping between Shift 1 and Shift 2.