These videos will show you how to utilize Vantage Point for your organization.
Overview, Part 2
You can drill into responses using the demographics you have defined, such as department and length of service. This video shows you how that works.
The power of Vantage Point is your ability to define your own demographics, which you can then use to analyze the responses.
Getting Started
How do you get started with Vantage Point? It’s easy and straightforward. And we help you at every step.
Leadership Commitment
When your organization takes Vantage Point, you commit to: 1) Keep individual responses confidential; 2) Share the results, and 3) Take positive action.
Mining the Data: Demographics
The power of Vantage Point is that you can mine the responses using the demographics you have defined. This video shows how that works.
Mining the Data: Drilling Deep
This shows you how to use the power of Vantage Point to drill deeply into subgroups, using the demographics you have defined.